Saturday, August 23, 2008

waiting out the storm

Well, that is how we spent most of our day - waiting! And waiting, and waiting and... We were warned on Thursday night that tropical storm Fay was headed our way and to expect a lot of rain - 10 to 15 inches. As time grew closer to their forecasts of when the big storm was going to hit, the predictions of rain accumulation decreased. In the end, we ended up with a little mist and a little bit more humidity than normal but no real storm here. Instead we spent our time outside with the kids practicing their new roller skating skills. The video doesn't do it justice - it is just too funny to watch. I will try my best to get Jacob on his skates next time as he is a total crack up.

This is how Jacob decided to spend his time outside - working on his fishing net proficiency.

All said and done, I don't think the weather in Florida is all that bad when the storms go around us! :)


Shelley said...

I hope you guys don't encounter a big storm while you are there! Yikes, that can be scary stuff!

Looks like the kids have some cool new gear! I was never the daredevil type...I didn't even like to ride my bike as a kid...Hopefully I don't let that rub off on Josh!

Mom/Gamma said...

What fun they all seem to be having, brings back memories of my roller skating days. Of course the skates are certainly more technologically sound than the ones we had. So glad that you got passed by with the storm and I hope that all the storms decide that Niceville isn't a nice place to visit.
Love & miss you all,