Thursday, March 15, 2007

Temper Tantrum City

I thought that most kids didn't enjoy going into time-out but after yesterday I question this fact. Let's just say AJ had a rough day and I lost count after a while of how many times he was put into time-out. I am convinced that the terrible two's have hit and that I am in for a real ride with him. I know that they say each child is different but I am finding that out 10 fold lately. When Elizabeth went through this stage, she would have her tantrum in one area and you could walk away and ignore her and it rarely occurred in a public place. AJ, on the other hand, will follow you around and make sure you know how mad he is at whatever has set him off and of course, it is most likely to happen in public. I just keep telling myself that this is a phase and pray that he grows out of it FAST!!!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I do not look forward to the tantrums! Yikes! Poor little guy looks so sad.. :(