Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yeehah and Yippee to Ya'll!

Well, we made it! At least to the 100 day mark... Our TPS class had our 100 Day Party this weekend (actually 91 days until graduation) and we had a rip roaring good time. The theme was country western and my three little cowpoke had a blast with the horse rides and of course the stick horses. The music, food and friends all made for a wonderful evening.

Elizabeth on her first horse ride. She thought she was a pro when she was done. I think I might have to get her into horseback riding lessons as much as she has been talking about it.

Farmer AJ - the little dude is in LOVE with his cowboy boots! I only wish I had gotten a picture of them.

AJ on his first horseback ride - what fun!

Farmer Jacob - he lived up the party in all of his Jacob glory dancing and stomping his little boots.
The whole gang of 07B cowpoke. Amazingly enough we were only missing 3.

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