2. Anyway, on to more positive news - my Dad came to visit this weekend. He was our first official family visitor in our new house. The kids were SO excited to see him and couldn't wait to get back into the little games they have going with him. Elizabeth pretends that she is the Mom and AJ is the Dad and he is "Joey", the baby. It is pretty cute to listen to.
4. Jacob is vocal! And when I say vocal, it isn't just noise that comes out but more like a blow horn at times. He likes to be loud! The other day he was playing a game, with himself I might add, where he would stand on one side of the room and count, in Jacob-speak, and then run to the other side and laugh hysterically. I tried my best to get it on video but he toned it down a bit for the camera. He is definitely a character to be not to be reckoned with. My next goal is to get his singing on video.
5. My son will hate me for this but I just couldn't resist. My dear Dad decided to buy Elizabeth a make-up kit while he was here. I said it was okay because I know she is generally low key with the stuff and doesn't make too big of a mess. What I didn't anticipate was her playing beauty shop with AJ and him being her latest customer. Apparently brothers are fair game for making to look like clowns. What a good sport you are AJ! If only you knew the blackmail we have for you in the future. :)
6. I have added a new section to my photography website where you can check out the great holiday cards that I will have to offer if you do a shoot with me. They are under the heading of "portfolio" and then "the creative possibilities". (And just for those of you that know those crazy models, I know the names are wrong - anonymity people!) If any of you that I have done a shoot for in the past are interested in these cards, please contact me.
7. Have you noticed that I haven't posted my weight lately? Well, I must confess, not only have I fallen off of the bandwagon, I was left in the dust! I have made a resolution to start back on my plan to getting healthy and lose weight. Of course what would this plan be without a little procrastination so I won't be starting until next week (gotta finish that ice cream in the fridge, right). Anyone want to join me?
8. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at the post below. My kids are riding their bikes with no training wheels! I know this a major milestone for them but I never knew how cool it would be to stand back as a parent and watch the joy they got out of the realization that they could do it themselves. Elizabeth was particularly fun to watch. She has been very timid about having her training wheels taken off and last night she decided on her own that it was her night. She went from very nervous to comfortable and confident in a short amount of time. And to top it off, her first question when she woke up this morning was, "Can we practice with our bikes tonight?" That excites me so much that she is enjoying it!
9. I was recently contacted about going back to work as a nurse. The shift was perfect, the place was perfect and it wasn't too many hours. I have been going back and forth about it all week and have finally decided, I am going to take one more year off. I am loving my time with Jacob and want to relish this time as much as I can. We tease all of the time about the "youngest child syndrome" and how he goes and does where ever and whatever everyone else does. Our few hours alone each week are wonderful. I am also finding myself being able to enjoy his last little bits of babyness. Our lives are slowly becoming that of taxi mom and go here and do that. I don't want to lose these few hours that I have by going back to work. Maybe next year!
10. I am looking forward to this weekend! Maybe a little too much as I have been asking myself since Monday, is it Friday yet? I'm not sure if it is because we really don't have too many things planned or I just want to spend some time with Mike but I can't wait. I am hoping we can head to the beach this weekend too. It has been so long since we have been because of all of the tropical stuff going on. Hurry up weekend - I am ready for you!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
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