2. I am so excited! I finally launched my new website! Go check out http://www.bundlesoffunphotography.com/ to see it! The only thing that still needs some adjusting is the logo. I am having a friend of a friend design it. I am anxiously awaiting to get my hands on it!
3. In the same respect, I am also stalking my neighbors in order to muster up some business. I created a letter and included a business card along with a coupon and placed them in every one's mailbox. Now I sit back and see if it gets me anywhere. I think I am going to try and get my name in the base paper or newsletter.4. One more photography related thing - I am planning on updating my photography blog so that you call can see snippets of my most recent shoots. Now that I have said that, I am hoping that will give me the motivation to do so! It worked for the weight thing. Ha!
5. Yes - I know that I mentioned the weight thing! I must be crazy this week! I will start posting my weight again starting this Friday even though there has been a gain. My excuse is the move but seriously, we have been in the house 5 weeks now so I think my excuse statue of limitations is over.
6. School starts in 4 days and I am TERRIFIED!!!! I mean, seriously, my little girl will be gone most of the day 5 days out of the week. How scary is that? I have tried my hardest not to let it show that I am going to be distraught over her going to school so she stays confident about the whole situation but, uugghhh, I am not coping well! We go tomorrow to go meet her teacher and check out the school. I am just hoping that I like her teacher!
7. I have been letting my kids be way too lazy lately but honestly I am at a loss of things to do with them when it rains every day. I can come up with ideas of rainy day activities for a couple of days but come on - a week straight?
8. I am finding myself becoming a blog stalker more and more. I really need to go back to work!!! The blogs that I read on a regular basis are Princess PigBear, A Quick World, Shertzer Time, The Bean Spot, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, Money Saving Mom and of course my fellow TPS bloggers - The Hoffman Family, Family of 4, The Caspers, and The Jungquists.
9. Spongebob Squarepants is the newest drug around. I am not entirely sure what it is about this particular cartoon but when it is on, all who are watching become comatose! Even the Caspers got a dose of it this weekend while visiting. Too bad they don't have cable so they can't keep up the addiction.
10. I am going to start keeping a notebook and logging all of the crazy things my kids say. I am thinking about once a week posting these little bits of "kids say the darndest things" because some of the things that come out of their mouths are just too good not to share. What do you think?
I'm not sure but I think it's a sad state of affairs when this many adults gather to watch Sponge Bob, what's up with that? Just his voice drives me crazy! Glad to see you all had fun though.
Love & miss you,
Good luck with the photography business in Florida. You'll have beautiful scenery to capture special moments of little ones! Hope all is well.
As I mentioned yesterday, your new website looks great. You will love using PhotoBiz...
And as for the bathing suit photo, girl, you look great! I am not that brave! I am starting a new running/weight loss program tomorrow...perhaps I should post my stats on my blog too to keep me motivated! Wanna run with me?
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